1. All food belongs in the refrigerator. This is the only place it is safe. Pay no attention to where items are shelved in the store; forget all your preconceived opinions about whether any one type of food should be stored at room temperature (or tastes better at room temperature, for that matter). Food is consumed or it is stored in the fridge. It does not matter if food is in sealed, air-tight packaging. The ants will find it.
2. All crumbs and other food remnants must be cleaned up immediately. Ok, this one's pretty obvious. What's not so obvious is the extent of the rule. I spilled a few drops of soup, forgot about it (I think my attention was taken up with something like grading a bunch of homework) and they found it. It doesn't matter how small the crumbs or where they fall or the type of food. The ants will find them.
3. Garbage is to be taken out on a daily basis. Even if said garbage is in a plastic bag inside a bin. Even if you don't think it's garbage that ants could ever be interested in or even eat. The ants will find it.
4. Check the house daily for creepy-crawlies that might have died in the night. Ok, this one's a bit disgusting. But to date, I've had ants find a dead frog and a dead gecko before I could. (Heck, I'm just grateful there are no mice or rats.) I suppose it comes of living in a house that has screens instead of glass in the windows, not to mention a few other holes. Even an anal-retentive level of cleanliness only guards against so much if there are enough openings to the outside. Things find a way in. The ants will find the things.
5. Spray as needed. If needed, spray daily. When you find them, be merciless. If you happen to find a nest of them in the woodwork of a door frame, ignore all feelings that you are becoming a mass murderer. There are plenty of ants out there to replace the ones that die on the battlefield in your house. In all probability, more ants will find a way in.
I don't like killing things, not even the creepy-crawlies. I prefer the relocation program I used to have for spiders (back when they were all tiny). But, there are boundaries, and I'm certainly not going to let my cleanliness or my health deteriorate for the sake of insect life. Plus, I'm determined to avoid at all costs ever again having an ant crawl over any body part while I'm asleep.
On with a (hopefully?) ant-free rainy season!
On with a (hopefully?) ant-free rainy season!
On the mission I once woke up with a cockroach on my forehead. I didn't scream but I flung that thing clear into the next room! Good luck with your war on bugs. Yuck.